Thursday, April 5, 2012

Icons of Today

            It seems that there are many icons of every generation. There are fads and objects of desire. People scrambling to own whatever is the next big thing. There are young girls crying and buying every album by the newest and cutest young male singer. There are objects and items that become a part of every generation, every year. Often, we move so quickly through our days that we forget about some of these items. These items are those that stand the test of time, those that cannot be forgotten when discussing what was popular before, now and what will always stand the test of time.
            When I think of contemporary icons I choose the three things that came first to my mind. I figured, if choosing icons, what better than those that pop out at you first. I chose an object, an MP3 player, specifically the IPod. I chose a thing, Facebook, because let’s face it, who can survive without it, and a celebrity, the one and only Justin Bieber. Though these are not all important to me, who will be able to say 15 years from now, that these three things were not all consuming to many during this time.
            I remember when IPod’s first came out. They were coveted and desired by many. Though they first came out in the larger version, they changed, shape, color and size a handful of times. Now, our cell phones have the ability to carry MP3’s. Music and the Ipod were so important that cell phone carriers and creators had to find a way to be a part of this phenomenon. Music was so important that it needed to be portable, and Apple found a way to do that, and a way to make it desirable for everyone. I personally chose this object, because sitting next to me, whether I am working, doing school work or cleaning the house, is my Ipod. I can only imagine how obnoxious it would be to carry my hundreds of CD’s all over the house and into work.
            Facebook. It’s as simple as saying Facebook. I feel the need to say little else. Facebook is so ingrained in our daily lives now, it is being listed as the reason for divorce, it is on our cell phones, it is used to market, and there is even a movie about Facebook. Though the movie was brilliant, and the book, I am assuming a majority that first saw this movie, may not have even been interested in the background story. Facebook is so much a part of who we are that not seeing the movie might have meant that you weren’t a part of something bigger than us all. My freshman year of college was the first for Facebook, our school was so excited when we were chosen to be added. This was back before everyone had access. Looking back at my pictures, I am reminded that I was a) skinny and b) thrilled. Facebook has allowed our society to interact with those people from our past that we may have never seen again, it allows us to meet new people and network. As I am writing I received a Facebook notification, on my cell phone, because let’s face it, who could wait to know who was thinking about them?
            My final selection is a celebrity of gigantic proportions. If I were a teenager, I am sure I would be crying with the simple thought of him. Justin Bieber. I may not be a teenager, but I am more than aware of how popular this young man is today. He is everywhere. He has followers on Twitter and Facebook. He has young girls, and even grown women crying at the sight of him. He has a movie made about his life, and I am not positive but I think he is not even twenty years old. For my Mother’s generation, Elvis was Justin Bieber, for my generation it was a combination of any boy from Backstreet Boys or N’Sync. These young men define the lives of so many young girls, and make millions off of the emotional connection they all believe they share with him through his music. Someday, my children will be asking me about Justin Bieber, as I asked my Mom about Elvis Presley. 

1 comment:

  1. Out of all of the posts I believe you probably have listed the most prominent icons of our time. Facebook is where most Americans spend their time, the Ipod has made Apple the richest company in the world, and Justin Beiber...... Well I don't need to say more. Really good job Allee!!

    Chris Dennis
